The influence of standing committees on the forms of government

Parliaments have changed substantially over time, particularly in the new century, as a consequence of new phenomena appearing in the institutional landscape, such as the transfer of significant normative powers from legislatures to executives, the crisis of the parliamentary legislation and of the long standing representative function of political parties and legislatures, globalization and the deepening of processes of regional integration, mediatisation and personalization of politics, as…

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L’interesse superiore del minore come overruling “occulto”?

By a recent judgment, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights overturned its earlier ruling in the case Paradiso and Campanelli v. Italy, concerning surrogacy. In this case the Strasbourg judges ruled that there are no grounds to configure as “family life” the relationship between the applicants and the child that they had tried to adopt. The decisions of the Italian courts to remove the child from the prospective parents, therefore, only affect their “private life”. The Court,…

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Epistémologie de la Traduction Juridique: la construction progressive des notions pénales

Tous les traducteurs juridiques, quelque soit leurs époque, en sont conscients : il n’est pas possible de traduire sans comparer. Dans ce cadre, il faut identifier le sens de la notion objet de transposition dans le contexte du procès pénal, tout en explorant son polymorphisme sémantique jusqu’à son noyaux ontologique profond. Dans cette perspective, il a fallu adapter la méthodologie aux exigences de rationalité posées par la procédure pénale. Il s’agit de ce qu’on a appelé la «méthode de la…

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Beware the Trolldom: Speculative Interests and Policy Implications behind the Circulation of Damage Claims

Moving from the evaluations operated by Richard Posner in his judgment on the case Carhart v. Halaska, the paper seeks to analyse the so-called “litigation troll” phenomenon and the development of a damage claims market, i.e. a market in which the right to propose claims is voluntary exchangeable for money and can be asserted by private buyers. The aim of the study is to assess whether the implementation of such market might represent a resource for victims or if, on the contrary it might…

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Brexit Means Brexit, but What Does the Second Brexit Mean?

Our analysis takes into consideration three different time blocks: we first consider how Britain came to Brexit, how the concept of Sovereignty has been challenged by participation in the European project and how Sovereignty and its implications have led to vote. The second part of the work concerns what will happen actually with the real exit, how the process will be managed from a legal point of view and how the concept of Sovereignty will be involved in this delicate transition. Finally, we…

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L’elezione del Presidente degli Stati Uniti in un’America polarizzata

Le primarie presidenziali statunitensi del 2016 hanno segnato l’inizio di una fase del tutto inedita nella politica americana. I candidati dei due maggiori partiti, Hillary Rodham Clinton, per il Partito Democratico, e Donald J. Trump, per il Partito Repubblicano, rappresentano figure per certi versi innovative, ma allo stesso tempo estremamente divisive e polarizzanti, tanto a livello infra- quanto a livello intra-partitico. Il presente saggio offre una riflessione articolate su tali…

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The decision-making process of European constitutional courts. A comparative perspective

Mathilde Cohen, in her study on supreme and constitutional courts’ organizational cultures, hypothesised that there is a reciprocal influence between a court’s institutional design and the style of its opinions. I share her hypothesis. Thus, before exploring the practice of judicial dissent, I address its institutional and procedural contexts, since these exert a profound influence on this phenomenon. For this purpose the most relevant aspect of the decision-making process is represented by its…

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La sentenza del Bundesverfassungsgericht sul caso OMT/Gauweiler

Il Tribunale costituzionale federale tedesco (BVerfG), con la sua decisione del 21 giugno 20161 , ha adottato una sentenza mista di inammissibilità e rigetto dei ricorsi individuali diretti e del conflitto tra poteri aventi a oggetto il programma noto con l’acronimo OMT (“Outright Monetary Transactions”) della Banca Centrale Europea (BCE). Se questo dispositivo era abbastanza prevedibile, le motivazioni della sentenza scrivono comunque un’altra pagina importante di quella giurisprudenza…

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