X Convegno di Diritticomparati

Prin Frame and Diritti Comparati
International Conference

Sapienza University of Rome, February 6-7th 2025
Faculty of Law, Aula Calasso


The conference – which is part of a national project on National Human Rights Institutions (Prin FRAME) and co-promoted by Diritti Comparati – aims to cover some of the major contemporary issues involving fundamental rights and their equality implications. We would like to encourage a discussion which takes critical perspectives into consideration and elaborates on them. Thus, we are inviting all those who are interested to join the debate.
In the first session, which will be held on February 6th 2025, we will host speakers coming from diverse disciplines and different countries to discuss more general methodological questions, focusing especially on critiques and counter-critiques of rights. Speakers will address issues such as the relationship between the form of rights and equality, the foundation of constitutional rights in democratic processes and the practice of rights in periods of regression.
The second session, which will be held on February 7th 2025, will involve a more detailed exploration of ongoing conflicts from the point of view of different legal disciplines, such as constitutional law, comparative law, European law and company law. In particular, recent challenges will be analyzed in the fields of antidiscrimination and social law, union and labor rights, responsibilities and duties of corporations, climate emergency and transition dilemmas, online platforms and artificial intelligence. Procedural profiles and the democratic potential of National Human Rights Institutions will also be investigated. Such conflicts affect the egalitarian dimension of fundamental rights and may also have repercussions on our understanding and practice of democracy.