Democratic Constitution Making between deliberative and crowd-sourced forms of constitutionalism

Open Course (Full program)

Directors: Giuseppe Martinico and Matteo Monti

The Course aims at exploring the processes of Democratic Constitution Making from a comparative law viewpoint. It offers an in-depth and up-to-date analysis of direct and representative participation mechanisms in constitution-making processes from a comparative perspective. The course focuses on both general topics and specific cases of constitution-making processes, exploring some significant and recent experiences. Thus, alongside more general lectures, there will be lectures on specific case studies with experts of the various jurisdictions.

Course target

Post-graduate students (primarily, but not exclusively, in law or political science), practitioners, barristers, civil servants.

Training objectives

The Course has the following Training Objective:

  1. to foster greater knowledge of direct and representative participation mechanisms in the Constitution-making processes in a comparative perspective;
  2. to provide reliable interpretative tools for a systemic understanding of the constitution-making mechanisms;
  3. to discuss specific case studies by relying on a problem-based approach.

Teaching methods

The course is structured in 8 sessions from the 8th to the 19th of May. Each session consists of 2 hours of lessons. The training activities are provided with online lectures (Webex).

Info and registration:

This course is part of the STALS (Sant’Anna Legal Studies) programme: